Olympiad on Informatics at Innopolis University will gather representatives of 13 countries

22 февраля 2017

Olympiad on Informatics at Innopolis University will gather representatives of 13 countries

22 февраля 2017

Schoolchildren from South Korea, Hungary, Cyprus, Poland, Slovakia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Ukraine, Tadjikistan, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Republic of Belarus, Lithuania and 21 regions of Russia will meet at the final stage of the competition.

On February 25 – 26 Innopolis University will hold the final on-site stage of the Open Olympiad on two platforms – Innopolis, Russia and Minsk, Republic of Belarus – at the same time. During two days, students of 7—11 forms will strive for victory following the rules of the Russian Olympiad on Informatics for Schoolchildren. So far all participants have successfully passed challenging selections that involved 3,374 schoolchildren from 56 countries. Unfortunately, young participants from the USA, United Kingdom, Singapore, Spain, Morocco, Argentina, Japan and other countries did not reach the finals.

In addition to classic solutions for the Olympiad tasks, the organizers have prepared additional entertaining tasks. For instance, participants will work on a task in pairs sitting back to back. One participant will read the task and work on a computer keyboard while the other one will have a PC monitor. 

Schoolchildren will “check” the skills of Mikhail Rubinchik, IT Manager for Cooperation with Universities at SKB Kontur, Roman Udovichenko, developer of Yandex.Maps and Alexey Tolstikov, Academic Programs Supervisor at Yandex. The experts and children will play a game based on a Russian game show “Sto k Odnomu” (Hundred to One).

Invited IT experts will meet the participants and tell about the Olympiad programming. Mikhail Rubinchik, winner of the bronze cup at the Competition on Olympiad Programming in 2011 will give a lecture on theme “Computer Science through the eyes of Olympiad Participants: How Olympiad Programming Helped to Defense a PhD Thesis”. Speakers from Yandex will give two lectures. At the first one they will tell about the marathon, an alternative format of competitions for programmers where participants deal with tasks under close-to-real conditions. The second lecture will be devoted to Yandex Data School. Children will learn about available courses, graduates and discover how Olympiad programming helps to be a success at such courses. Faculty members of Innopolis University will give a lecture about Computer Science.