Panasonic is interested in cooperation with Innopolis University

12 августа 2016

Panasonic is interested in cooperation with Innopolis University

12 августа 2016

A business delegation from Japan headed by Eiichi Hasegawa, Special Adviser to the Prime Minister of Japan, visited the University. 

Leaders of the top Japanese companies (Panasonic, Fujitsu, Mitsubishi, Toyota, etc.), representatives of government entities and diplomatic services came to the University. The guests had a guided tour around the campus, learned about educational programs, partners and advantages of the University, visited laboratories and made acquaintance with the faculty members.


"It is a pleasure to participate in this event and visit Innopolis as part of the government delegation. This is my third visit to Tatarstan and first visit to Innopolis University, and I find it very useful. It is good to know that the university works with partners like Russian Post, Rostec and VTB Bank. These are large and well-known companies with big names and although I do not know the details of cooperation and what kind of projects they are doing here, I am getting more curious about Innopolis University and its current projects with its industry partners, - noticed Mr. Masato Nakamura, Vice-President of Panasonic Russia. Probably we could study what we can do here together with the University, for instance, in the IT sphere. I think I should come back for further and detailed discussion, and we are likely to do a joint work in the sphere of big data. We have been working on this problem for many years. Today we are cooperating with Saint Petersburg State University and we are about to start collaboration with ITMO University. As for working relations with the Republic of Tatarstan, I think why not? Maybe we can start our activities here, considering a strong focus of Innopolis University on high technology".


Later on, the delegation headed to the sports venue where participants of the  Innopolis Kendo Cup, the All-Russian tournament in kendo, scheduled for August 13-14, were having training at that moment. It was a pleasant surprise for the guests from the Land of the Rising Sun to view their national sport in Innopolis.
