The Russian national team won two golden medals at the World Robot Olympiad

6 декабря 2016

The Russian national team won two golden medals at the World Robot Olympiad

6 декабря 2016

Projects of young robotic technicians from Russia proved to be the best in the Regular and Open Categories at WRO.

The World Robot Olympiad held in the Indian capital on November 25-27 is officially closed. 92 members of the Russian national team took part in the event competing with participants from different parts of the world. During three days of the competition the Russian team won four medals — 2 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze.

Participants in the Junior High age group came to the top with two gold medals: Technopark MPL team from Murmansk won in the Regular Category and the Ocean Waste Collector (OWC-2016) team from Saint Petersburg was the best in the Open Category.

RoboHand (Nuclear Waste Taker), a Russian team from Saint Petersburg, won a silver medal in the Open Category (Senior High). Fixies, a team from Innopolis, took a bronze medal in WRO Football.

WRO India 043.jpg

Members of the Russian national team passed selections and took training at Innopolis University during August 5-12. This year the main topic of the World Robot Olympiad was «Rap the Scrap». Young robotic technicians developed projects helping to remove all kinds of wastes from the Earth.

According to Alexander Kolotov, Lead Specialist of STEM Programs at Innopolis University: "The Russian national team in Olympiad Robotics gathered the best-trained members. Prior to the final competition, young participants have passed several selection levels. The list of winners includes a team of the Republic of Tatarstan that prepared to the World Robot Olympiad at the Distance Learning School of Robotics at Innopolis University, Summer and Winter Schools of Olympiad Training in Robotics and at Innopolis Lyceum under supervision of Rustam Kagapov, Methodist for Olympiad Robotics at Innopolis University.

All judges of the Russian national team, including the two from Innopolis, are invited to join the judging panel at the World Robot Olympiad in Costa Rica next year".