7 марта 2018
7 марта 2018
The program will include: interviews with industrial companies, 12 lectures by IT experts and the reports by the representatives of Yandex, Beeline, MTS, BARS Group, Innosoft, Voskhod Research & Development Institute, and Indusoft.
Open lectures:
Additional reports: Yandex, Beeline, MTS, BARS group, Innosoft, NII Voskhod, Indusoft.
Open to the public, registration is required: https://university.innopolis.ru/events/bolshaya-yarmarka-vakansiy/
10 июня 2016
A world leading manufacturer of industrial robotic systems and the first Russian IT-University have signed a cooperation agreement during the CIPR Conference.
9 июня 2016
A Russian developer of databases Postgres Pro. opens, a research and technical laboratory at the University.
18 сентября 2017
Students and graduates of Innopolis University developed the best solution for unmanned vehicles for identification of road humps, thus leaving behind the teams of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Cambridge, and the University of Science and Technology of Beijing in the team rating.