Researchers of Innopolis University have been engaged in the International Programme Committee at the 15th International KES Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies (AMSTA-23)
Ekaterina Protsko, the Head of Admission Office in Russian IT-University will hold 5 webinars and tell about admission campaign for international candidates. At the second part of the webinar listeners will be able to ask their questions. Language: English.
Representatives of science and industry together with students will discuss issues of continuous software deployment, DevOps corporate culture, analytics and machine learning, monoliths and microservices, DevOps training. The School will be held from June 29 till July 3.
On December 24, applicants will be able to ask questions about the rules for admission to Innopolis University. Employees of Admissions and Enrollment Office of Innopolis University will talk about the offered programs and the selection criteria.
The competition will be held in February – March 2020 at a Russian IT university. Schoolchildren of 13-19 years are invited to participate. Registration for Mathematics and Informatics profiles is open until November 22, for Information Security profile – until December 1.
The new edition, titled "Cyber Resilience", written by the Head of Information Security Center of the IT Russian University, describes the experience and practical research results of the center for ensuring cyber resiliency of 4.0 Industry promising systems in the conditions of both known and previously unknown inconsistent mass cyber attacks.
Apply to participate in the scholarship competition and win a scholarship that covers up to 100 % of the tuition fees and covers monthly allowance for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs at the Russian IT University.
The event is aimed for bachelors, masters, postdocs and young researchers. The authors of the best applications will receive grant, that covers participation, meals and accommodation. Registration is open until March 4.
Don’t miss your chance to apply for up to 100 % scholarship to study at Innopolis University.
Courses, lectures, Open door days
Innopolis University