On May 19-20, Innopolis University will welcome developers willing to design working prototypes of technologies for processing ERS data in the field of machine learning and photographic survey. Deadline for applications is May 18.
A national Centre of Competence of the National Technology Initiative program in the field of robotics and mechatronics will start working on the basis of Innopolis University. The new centre will focus on R&D in medicine, industry, aerial and ground-based unmanned vehicles.
Last call for international applications! Don’t miss your chance to apply for up to 100 % scholarship to study at IU. Deadline for applications extended till May 20, 2018.
The Russian competitions on computer security for students finished at Innopolis University. Students of 9-11 forms were dealing with cryptography and steganography challenges, vulnerability of web applications and other cybersecurity issues.
A book was published by Springer Science+Business Media, the second largest publisher in the world in the field of science, technology, and medicine ( STM). The book is sold online and in bookstores.
62 people from Kazakhstan and 19 regions of the Russian Federation were cracking problems related to wireless technologies and software engineering in finance. Winners and awardees received invitations to the on-site student selection held by the Russian IT University and 100 scores in the Unified State Exam in Mathematics.
Innopolis University and ENIKS company finished trials of a package delivery drone in limited visibility conditions and subzero temperatures. During an hour the drone delivered parcels for a distance of 38 km and back.
From March 31 until April 1, Moscow will host a block chain hackathon where representatives of the Centre for Technological Innovation of Sberbank, SONM, MixBytes, Blockchain Labs, blockchain social networks and Golos fund, Blockchair, LavkaLavka, Biocoin, Forseti and Сodescreening will evaluate the projects presented by participants.
CTF Inno 2018 is an annual tournament on cybersecurity for schoolchildren. Students of 9-11 forms from all parts of Russia will combat challenges in cryptography and steganography, deal with vulnerability of web applications and other aspects of information security. Registration for teams of 2-4 people is open until April 1.
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Innopolis University